BP CEO Tony Hayward Will Testify About His Sadness

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BP just sent out advance text of testimony that BP CEO Tony Hayward will deliver tomorrow before the House of Representatives. There is lots of empathy and emotion.

Let me be very clear:  I fully grasp the terrible reality of the situation. When I learned that eleven men had lost their lives in the explosion and fire on the Deepwater Horizon, I was personally devastated.  Three weeks ago, I attended a memorial service for those men, and it was a shattering moment.  I want to offer my sincere condolences to their friends and families – I can only imagine their sorrow. My sadness has only grown as the disaster continues.  I want to speak directly to the people who live and work in the Gulf region:  I know that this incident has profoundly impacted lives and caused turmoil, and I deeply regret that.

He continues:

Questions are being asked about energy policy more broadly:  Can we as a society explore for oil and gas in safer and more reliable ways?  What is the appropriate regulatory framework for the industry?  We don’t yet have answers to all these important questions.  But I hear the concerns, fears, frustrations – and anger – being voiced across the country.  I understand it, and I know that these sentiments will continue until the leak is stopped, and until we prove through our actions that we will do the right thing. Our actions will mean more than words, and we know that, in the end, we will be judged by the quality of our response.  Until this happens, no words will be satisfying.

Read his entire prepared testimony as a pdf file here.