Alan Grayson is Your Summer Blockbuster

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Not to turn Swampland into the Chronicle of Floridian Political Advertising, but always-colorful Democratic Rep. Alan Grayson’s opening re-election offering is just too good to pass up:


The avalanche of red meat might seem a bit strange considering he represents a R+2 congressional district (by Charlie Cook’s Partisan Voting Index), but it’s really about excitement. In a year when Republicans are fired up over health care, the deficit and general frustration with the status quo, apathy might be Democrats’ worst enemy. Grayson, for his part, has never been one for understatement, perhaps to a fault. It’s worth revisiting this Stu Rothenberg column from late last year on his re-election prospects.

Anyway, Dale Peterson and Glenn Beck eat your hearts out.

(via Alex Leary)