White House Coke/Pepsi Wars, Cont’d Before Congress

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You can’t make a false statement in testimony before Congress. It’s a felony. Big deal. So Coca-Cola fans everywhere can take comfort in the fact that White House budget director Peter Orzsag was telling the truth when he confirmed Tuesday that he is a Diet Coke man. The Wall Street Journal reports: “Orszag acknowledged to members of the Senate Finance Committee on Tuesday what close observers had long since figured out: he’s a serious Diet Coke fan.”

The actual back and forth, which tees off a lighthearted story I wrote a few weeks back, follows below. Voters will be relieved to know that the cola testimony formed but a small fraction of the hearing, which focused on the 2010 Health Care budget. Now to the tape:

Sen. TOM CARPER, D-Del.: We do — we need to find out what you’re drinking. And…


ORSZAG: I will — I hope this isn’t product placement, but this is Diet Coke. Apparently there’s a big controversy that has broken out between Diet Pepsi and Diet Coke and what members of the administration drink what, but that’s Diet Coke.

CARPER: Do you go back and forth or are you just a straight Diet Coke

ORSZAG: No, I’m a Diet Coke guy.


CARPER: All right. All right. I’m glad we got that on the record.

I have also been informed that Orszag gets caffeine from tea, both iced and hot, though this information did not come in sworn testimony.