The Curious Capitalist on Bush’s Curious Pronouncement

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Over at the Curious Capitalist, our blogging cousin Justin Fox takes a look at the President’s boast yesterday that we have his tax cuts to thank for the current economy:

Now I don’t think the Bush tax cuts are the cause of our current economic problems (the misdevelopment of our financial system, which began long before 2001 although it took its wildest form afterward, is the main culprit). But there is something bizarrely disconnected from reality about his account. It’s entirely possible Bush will leave office next year having presided over the worst eight-year stretch for the U.S. economy since the Depression (or at least the 1970s). And all he can say is that tax cuts are good?

I do think he’s right about Americans being resilient, though. We can bounce back from anything. Even, uh, the Bush era.

P.S. This one’s for you, commenter Smedley.